Reviews of Sterling Power 12V 1A Portable Battery Charger B121

Sterling Power 12V 1A Portable Battery Charger B121
Our Price: £24.49 inc VAT
(5.0 / 5.0)
Average Rating:
Total Reviews:4
Customer Reviews
A very useful charger, bought about 12 months ago, which will recharge a partially run down (to 12.4V) 50AH car battery within about 12 hours or a 10AH motorcycle battery within about four hours. It is also well-sealed so can be left exposed to rain without causing problems.
JB - BICESTER, United Kingdom -

Just the job, this charger is perfect for motorcycle battery charging, It's a trickle charge unit so bike battery can be charged over about 5 hours plus it can be left hooked up and won't overheat.
RC - Derbyshire, United Kingdom -

I Like this charger, it's small and portable, just connect to mains and battery and leave until LED lights up for charged. Perfect for small batteries with low amp output.
RC - Derbyshire, United Kingdom -

Ideal trickle charger, recommended by yourselves and perfect for my requirements, off board charging a mobility scooter.
BB - EYEMOUTH, United Kingdom -